“Winning the Peace is Harder than

Winning the War”

– Xavier Becerra


When I think of war, I recall the First World War. It has altered the course of human history. It was the bloodiest war in history, with countless casualties.

Ø  Why did we have a World War?

Ø  Is this only for the death of Franz Ferdinand?

On July 28, 1914, Franz Ferdinand and his wife traveled in a vehicle to Australia. There was a lot of noise on the street. It was the sound of bullets that occurred in Franz Ferdinand's automobile. Franz was Australia's Prince. It was the start of the First World War. This is something that occurred to the people of Serbia. Australia is one of the world's most powerful countries. They intended to confront the Serbian Army. The central power countries backed Australia throughout this battle. (Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) are all fighting against Serbia.

Serbia is supported by the countries of the Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and the United States) and the war begins on August 4, 1914.

Though many believed that Franz's death was the key cause of the conflict, this was not the case. It was the moment of our world's growth in 1914. It was a time when farming was extremely important to the world. Germany attempted to borrow land from Australia and establish factories to generate more factories. Their objective was to build factories in Australia. Their proposition was rejected by Prince Franz. As a result, Germany intended to invade Australia by assassinating him.

                                     “The two most Powerful Warriors are Patience and Time”     – Leo Tolstoy


Is it true that patience and time are great warriors? It is, indeed, time that is one of our life's unstoppable fighters. We will not be able to recover time if we allow it to pass us by. Time will not halt for anybody, nor will it slow down for the wealthy alone. It will not be speedy for the poor. We are in an indirect battle with time every day. It is a daily challenge for us. It is counting on us chasing it. Many of us were failing. We can battle someone who is apparent to us, but we cannot fight someone who is unseen and difficult to confront. We realize the force of it when we miss the train by a minute. It has not yet begun. When we set the time, we began the battle between humans and time. It is usually tough to stick with it, yet there are those who go through time to become successful men or women. We cannot exist without the priceless and mighty warrior time.

Patience is one of the most difficult activities for humans. We're not sure where to be spoken and where to be patient. It is also a symbol of peace. Patience always rescues us from difficulties. It is a good method for foes to become friends. In every conflict, peace is like a mysterious package. Peace has reincarnated as war. Silence will not be a formidable weapon in the conflict, but it will reflect in the soul's consciousness. In writing, the picture of a pen represents peace. War is a simple sheet of paper. Without the pen (Peace), the paper (War) cannot be completed or filled with text. Peace not only means the end of the war, but also the unification of the entire planet.

Joshwa Mychin Raja J

II- M. A. English Literature


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