Oh my beloved God, Alas. Oh lord, really I did not do many things against farmers from my birth to till my death. I have ever seen happiness in the farmers because of me. I had done as an enemy role in the life of the farmers well.

Before some years you said “Dear grasshopper, nowadays the farmers are not good. They are using only fertilizers. They didn’t use manure like in previous years. If this will happen daily, my beautiful creation Earth should see the end. If I am not doing anything, surely it shall happen. Now the farmers are also accompanying the hybrid companies. The hybrid companies are not providing the seeds in good quality. We have to change all those things. I order you to do your work towards farmers. If you do, they surely know that, this is my warning. So they will have to do the proper farming in a natural way”.

So I obeyed the words of yours. So I was happier to do my job. But now a day I felt so guilty. Because they don’t have rain properly. And also there in more and more problems and diseases. Some of them sold theirs lands also. No one has changed. They may not know they are waiting for the end of the life. Dear God you may come into the thoughts of all the farmers. I know I’m the farmers enemy but I have changed myself to support and lift the farmers up…


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