The seeds of peace in the world have their genesis in righteousness, in the heart of each individual, and it is with this spirit of righteousness in the heart that we can create a peaceful community. Sharing peace has a huge ability to calm other person down and live life positively; such shared peace is a sign of being a testimony to Christ, and this is a guaranteed appeal. The early Christian community was able to attract many individuals because they witnessed this shared peace being multiplied time and time again. They were at peace with themselves and with others; you can't have peace with others if you're always fighting with yourself. If we want to realize the power of sharing peace, we should start with sharing food. It's a basic and plain manner, but it's not easy since we don't eat with people we don't like; eating is a direct means of making peace. Anyone who is in love willingly makes a sacrifice. There is tranquilly when such sacrifice is made in real love. When love is shared, serenity reigns supreme. The power of sharing peace is found in sharing these objectives. There would be peace if we all worked toward the same objective.

If I believe in Easter, I should be able to feel the power of spreading peace with others. Peace is elusive; you cannot compel it to exist. God is the God of peace, and we demonstrate that we are his children by striving for peace at the workplace, in the neighborhood, in our homes, and across the world. Peace should not be seen as the absence of conflict, but rather as a manifestation of freedom, dignity, and equality. Peace is the result of strong interpersonal relationships and understanding. While it is necessary to be at peace with oneself, finding peace with others is a never-ending journey. Order cannot secure peace; there is a need for conversation, for learning the pluses and minuses of both sides, for listening to the plights of the afflicted, and for determining the proper obligations and rights of each individual.

Peace should not be defined by the actions of powerful people; peace cannot exist without fairness on Earth. The gospel truth is that you cannot become a child of God until you become a peacemaker. Peace, which the angels proclaim to the shepherds on Christmas night, is a profound aspiration for everyone, for each individual and all people, and especially for those who most keenly feel its absence; those who see things in this light will be able to recognize and nurture the seeds of peace that are already sprouting. “A harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace”. Peace is the sovereign that controls it, and justice is the principle that rules cohabitation within it; but, we must also turn this contemplative attention to the cities in which we dwell. A faith-filled look that sees God residing in their homes, streets, and squares; encouraging solidarity and the yearning for kindness, truth, and justice. In other words, fulfilling the promise of peace. Taking retribution is simple, but it is hardly a show of power. Being at peace is more powerful than being at war or animosity.                                        

J. Teresa Bara

I- B. A. English literature


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