We've all heard the words war and peace. Now, using a brief tale, I'm going to describe what occurs during war and peace. Once upon a time, there was a small kid who lived with his mother. They were quite impoverished; they had some corns with which they had to prepare the flour and eat every day. After a few days, his mother became ill and ordered her son to take the cones to the business and prepare the flour. While going home after preparing flour, the wind came and snatched his flour, leaving him with nothing. The same thing happened again, and he went home empty-handed. Hearing this again, his mother assumed he ate the flour, but he was attempting to communicate that she was not accepting any of his comments. He went through the complete preparation process once more.

When the wind came again and grabbed everything, he became enraged and went to meet the wind; as soon as he met the wind, he requested the wind to return all his flour, but the wind answered it was not done by me. But he did not believe that and fought with the wind, so the wind came and gave opposition that "I will give you mat which you spread on anything and you will have food." He did not believe the wind and tried in front of the wind and it had become true, so he happily began to return home, but it was too late. So he went to a hotel and slept there; the hotel manager asked him for money, but he responded he didn't have any, but I will provide him with wonderful meals. The manager did not allow him to beg, but in the end, he said okay and gave him food.

And the management had agreed to let him stick with the scheme. When he went to bed, he followed him and stole the mat from him, replacing it with another mat; in the morning, he returned to his home and spread the mat, but nothing had arrived. So he went to see the wind again and argued with the wind, and this time the wind delivered him a donkey that opened its mouth with the gold coin. He rode the donkey back home. It was too late, so he went back to the motel to remain. Now he replied to the manager, "I can give you the money," and brought the donkey behind him and asked for a gold coin, which he received.

The manager saw this and replaced the donkey and kept the duplicate one overnight. The next morning, he went to a house and asked the monkey to give him some cash, but the donkey did not. So his mother became irritated and sent him out of the home, and he became enraged with the wind once more. And went to meet the wind, and fought it again. Now the wind has given him a stick that obeys his commands. So he went to the hotel with that stick and slept there. That night the manager arrived to take the stick, but he suddenly got up and commanded the stick to beat him, and at the end, the manager told him everything and returned all his belongings.

Now, gladly, he returns home, and his mother was ready to receive him. Outside the house, he performed, and his mother was startled by everything. Now I'll tell you a fable in which the conflict is the manager and the peace is the breeze and the youngster. War occurs when one party has more riches and money than another, yet peace occurs when you are cool and quiet those who are furious or jealous. So if they have money and all other things in one day, you will also have everything in one day, so have peace everything occurred on its own.


R. Pratheep Raj

I- B. A. English 


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