Once there was a small village in the middle of a dense forest. The villagers were peaceful and friendly. They worked hard to provide for their families. But they also made time to enjoy the beauty of their surroundings.

One day a group of warriors from a neighbouring Kingdom came to the village. The leader of the warriors was a powerful man who demanded that the villagers pay tribute to him or face war. The villagers were terrified and they didn’t know how to respond.

The village leader stepped forward and declared that the villagers wouldn't pay tribute, but rather they would offer peace. He said that if the warriors accept the offer of peace, the villagers would share their resources with them and work together for the good of both kingdoms.

The warriors were surprised by the offer, but they agreed to it. The villagers and warriors worked together and soon peace had been established between the two kingdoms. The villagers were grateful for the power of peace and the warriors were impressed by the villager’s courage.


Moral: Peace is more powerful than War.




C. Nishalini

 III- B. A. English


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