War is a game,

That can be played with a smile

On a face but there won't be any

Laughter in a heart.


War means death,

Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength,

Love is war, love is growing up,

War doesn't bring lasting peace

Only lasting death.


Peace begins in the soul and

ends in the heart,

War begins in the mind

and ends in the body,

War is the death of human life,

War forgets peace, peace forgives war.


Peace makes people happy,

War is full of people dying.

War is peace, peace is war.

War begins in the mind

And ends in the ground,

Peace begins in hearts and souls.


Peace is the only thing that can heal this world,

War means ending all life.

Let's stop fighting,

Let's stop hating.

For we need love and not power,

For the world needs peace and not war.


Peace flows from love and compassion,

What is always madness?

All is lost in war,

All is to be gained in peace.

Peace is the birth of the life divine,

Peace is kindness and the kindness to care.


Let there be peace in the world,

Let us all see peace and not war.

Let all have peace in the world.

Peace is the key to the world's happiness.


S. Pushpa Kandulna

I- B. A. English Literature


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