Crown of capitalism conquered India

Our nation of tiger has been buried,

replaced by nation of charging bull

Democracy secretly imprisoned and vanished.

Our head is waiting with golden plate

to receive capitalistic vomiting as pledge,

some have more sense of hearing Mr. Big shots

sleep talking but grief of sons of the soil

has not worth as layers of dust on their sandals.

Sure that pain will echo from infinite

Corner of nature. She hear and waves

her curious branches for coolness breeze,

to wipe away the tears of blood in farmers.

Their suffering is reflected on deep

vein of sea as beast of Tempest.

But why their sobbing grief is suppressed

by ruling class wolf of our country.

Deliberately unrecognized for the opium of power,

Indian authorities are real puppet

from the hands of deep pockets of money.

Millions of money lost it’s worth and sinned

in front of an emotional drops of tears,

which flow from their pain.

Winter may freeze sleep everything,

Summer may scrotch to burn

but farmers had to feed all life.

Hands of power and money celebrate the

harvest labour pain of all growers,

they are Judged by appearance of

Mud upon clothes, as gift of earth

wrinkled dark skin as reward of sun.

Farmers trust of life and hunger

is sacrificed to satisfy Millionaires.

Capitalist suck the blood of farmers

like a leech or bloodline eating parasite.

Every profession are noble pursuits

and all are necessary to sustain one’s life,

but farmers are who help stay, sleep

alive against hard shore of life.

When farmers stream of tears

overflows and wet the earth for

their right, marched towards our

national capital you treat as beast of Alien

neglected their painful suffering life.

Trust me, soil feel shame to decay

your corpse not even a plant wish

to grow upon your grave forever.

                                         NEETHU MOL

                                                                                         I M. A ENGLISH


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