A.Pressilla, II Year Eng. Lit.

                                FARMING-A PROFESSION OF HOPE



         We are living for our survival amidst the various circumstances in the world. The world is consisting of living and non-living beings. Each one has the right to live with due dignity and respect. Human fundamental needs are food, shelter and clothing. At present our country is growing gradually. In spite of growth and development held in our country, we are lacking in many areas. We are living in the world where the corporate designs and decides our existence in accordance with the time, place and person respectively. However, the very cause for our existence and all our growth is one and only factor ‘Farming’. If the farming fails to functioning, the world would be in vain sooner or later.


Present status of  farming and farmers.

         The farmers are the backbone of our country as far as our existence and heritage are concerned. There were many paddy varieties, utilized in the field for many years. If the backbone of our country is broken at any season of time without any reason, certainly  we would be in trouble. Due to many climate changes and failure of monsoon, farmers are finding difficult to get involved in the farming l. In order to increase the harvesting in a short span of time, we are gradually losing our heritage and originality. The lands are becoming barren for further cultivation.

         Agriculture is the symbol and identity of our country and the backbone as well. The love and concern towards the farmers is equivalent to true patriotism. The destruction of agriculture and farmers is the destruction of the earth our common home as well as the entire humanity. At present farmers are facing innumerable challenges socially, economically, culturally and politically as well as economically.  The demands of farmers are genuine. The government should have the patience to listen to them and repeal the controversial laws for the interest of the country. The three contentious laws were being passed in the parliament on September, 2020. The most inhumane of all provisions  are those that take away the right of appeal from a former. The state, exercising its power through multiple bureaucrats, seems to have elevated itself to the status of God, its decisions immune from challenge. There is a glaring absence of any power being given to the farmer if the decision is biased, a product of corruption,  prejudiced or simply a manifestation of the said authority’s bad mood and hidden agenda.





          Already 11 rounds of discussion held between respective minister for agriculture and farmer’s representatives at regular intervals. However,  no solution has been found to date. The big corporate houses will overtake markets, there by procuring farm produce at incidental rates. There was no room to go for legal guarantee. The government plays dual role in its word and deed. They don’t go hand in hand. They say that they will make amendments where as they will not repeal farm law. They have the will to conduct parliament sessions to deal and prepare for the upcoming elections, but they are not ready to announce openly anything.  They don’t find time to speak to the farmers and listen to them.

     A massive show of support followed from the media in relation to the farming protest. Hundreds of Indians who live in abroad signed blindly on petitions. The state and central government underestimated the farmer’s grievances and unwilling to step down from the authority and lost face. Without following due process of consultation the ruling party brought forth the pro market farm laws through the ordinance route and then pushed them. The government is very adamant to make everyone accept unanimously without prior permission.



         Everyone is born in the image and likeness of God who makes the world full of goodness. In the bible we see God who identifies himself as the voice of the voiceless. As farmers were aware of all the happenings they could withstand for the just cause wilfully.  It is our time that we should feel one with them through our solidarity and valuable presence. In spite of all the suffering they are struggling and living for the basic rights. We need to introspect ourselves and to strengthen the despair in to hopeful. Good will lead to success always.



                                                                                    II Year Eng. Lit.



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